Ten Most Bad Ass Bible Verses

How well do you know your holy books? The world has watched in horror while members of ISIS justify the next mass murder or icy execution with words from the Quran

Ten Most Bad Ass Bible Verses 27

Ten Most Bad Ass Bible Verses 102

The Ten Commandments, the Bible, and our Constitution. Many people claim that our laws are based on the Ten Commandments. However, they don’t state which set of Ten

What does the Bible say about sin? Check out these ten scriptures for a better understanding.

Ten Most Bad Ass Bible Verses 99

Ten Most Bad Ass Bible Verses 118

Ten Most Bad Ass Bible Verses 70

Ten Most Bad Ass Bible Verses 109

Cruelty and in the Bible. Genesis. Because God liked Abel’s sacrifice more than Cain’s vegetables, Cain kills his man Abel in a fit of religious

If the Bible had been written by King Leonidas and the rest of the Spartans from ‘300’, it would probably read pretty much the same as it does now. It turns out, the

Randy: the thing you need to understand is that most Christians aren’t as ‘live and let live’ as you seem to be. The Jerry Falwells are bad enough, the Westboro

Ten Most Bad Ass Bible Verses 72

Bad Bible Women: Delilah & Samson, Salome & Herod, Jezebel, Eve, the trouble-maker? Potiphar’s wife, Lot’s wife and teens, Herodias, Maacah, Athaliah

What The Bible Says about Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are the 10 basic laws that God commanded Israel to obey in the Old Testament. The laws were given to

god, jesus, bible, bible quotes, bible truth, bible errors, christianity, slavery, abortion, gay love, polygamy, war, execution, evil, , taxes, punishment

May 31, 2014 · Some Bible-believing Christians play fast and loose with their sacred text. When it suits their purposes, they treat it like the literally perfect word of

Ten Most Bad Ass Bible Verses 54

Ten Most Bad Ass Bible Verses 68

Ten Most Bad Ass Bible Verses 18

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